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Relighting the Fire in your Relationship

The more time you spend in a relationship, the more it starts to become a routine. We continue to tire and have that desire for the initial excitement of butterflies-in-the-tummy that was there in the beginning. It is very normal for things to get to this stage when both of you get sloppy habits. It also begins when you start taking each other for granted, everyone is on their own. What follows is a few things you can do to keep that fire burning in your relationship. Aside from fun toys that can spice things up, for instance 성인용품사이트, you can followe these three easy tips to get things hot & heavy again.

Put in more effort into your looks

Probably by this time you hang out more often in your sweatpants after work and over the weekends. There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s very okay to have down days and slack a little. Nonetheless, what you wear plays a huge role in how you feel and how your partner sees you. Try to put on something different, spritz some perfume, get a new hairstyle, and slip into some sexy looking outfits. You will not just look attractive to your partner, but feel elated as well. This also involves changing things in your bedroom from time to time. Sex is always hotter when you are on vacation because of the routine being broken.

Be touchy-feely

Sex is awesome, but in my opinion, the other things that lead to sex are way better! I’m talking about cuddling, kissing in public, holding hands and making out. Can you remember the last time you did all these things, just for the fun of doing them? Even the simple things like grazing the legs of your partner with your hands. These unexpected touches bring some excitement and playfulness which makes it fun when the two are by yourselves. Keep on surprising each other with random gestures that do not require a lot of effort. In the same mood, tell your partner how you appreciate them. This not only keeps the relationship playful and fun but it also subconsciously reminds your partner you find them sexy.

Set the Scene

With women, sex most times starts way before you both get to the bedroom. Women like being sent thoughtful text messages or leaving notes behind for them, small gestures like this make them feel appreciated and loved when they know you are thinking of them. Buy her some flowers, put on some soft romantic music in the background, turn the lights down, light some candles. Feed yourselves your favorite dishes. Tell each other the best things about how you met, do you remember your first date? How did it feel? It is a fun moment to share your thoughts on fond memories. All this helps you spend intimate time together bringing you closer and reconnecting with both your bodies.

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